On a sunny afternoon, two-year-old Dorcas Okon was asleep on her mother’s back; unperturbed by her environment, she intermittently cooed, prompting Esther Okon, her 28-year-old mother, to change position on the plastic chair. Except one is told, it is hard to tell that Dorcas had once been severely malnourished. When she turned six months, Dorcas gradually developed selective eating behaviour. As months went by, Esther’s fear mounted as Dorcas grew slimmer. Seeing her daughter’s condition, the young mother was willing to sacrifice all to ensure her child received treatment. She would shed tears during daily prayer sessions. Since Esther’s husband lost his job, and she wasn’t also employed, they were unable to feed Dorcas with nutritious food. So, she could only turn to providence for a quick fix. When the situation became worse, she visited the Ifako Primary Healthcare Centre (PHC) in Lagos. The PHC, through an existing partnership, then referred Dorcas to the Lagos Food Bank (LFB), a hunger-relief not-for-profit company, where in-house nutritionists diagnosed her with severe acute malnutrition (SAM). “That was December 2021, and Dorcas was 15 months old, but she could not walk yet,” Esther said at the LFB warehouse, in Lagos, where she had come to receive another round of food products. “They (LFB) gave me some nutritious food products. They also guided me on how to prepare it. Within three months of preparing the meals, my baby began to gain weight. In no time, she started walking. “After that time, the situation got a lot better. I also got a menial job in March. But my husband is not working yet.”

Dorcas asleep on her mother’s back

Fareehan and her mother
contributes to nearly half of these deaths, according to the 2018 national nutrition and health survey (NNHS). In November 2022, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said 100 children under the age of five die of malnutrition in Nigeria every hour. Nemat Hajeebhoy, UNICEF’s chief nutrition officer, speaking at a meeting, said, “If a child is malnourished, they are 12 times more likely to die. “We know that today, without urgent action, there would have been close to 15 million children who will suffer from what we call wasting this year and next year.” COMPLEMENTARY FEEDING IMPORTANT Speaking on malnutrition detection, Gbemisola Boyede, a consultant paediatrician, said malnourished children often do not gain weight as expected for their age. Boyede, who is also the founder of Ask The Paediatricians Foundation, added that if malnutrition is persistent, then the child’s height will also be affected, leading to stunting. She said there are many other signs of malnutrition, including skin changes, a tendency to have recurrent infections and mouth sores. “The way to prevent malnutrition is to ensure that children are fed properly. Parents have to first understand the principles of infant nutrition and ensure they follow it,” Bayode said. For most mothers who spoke to TheCable, the challenges began at the toddlers’ dietary transition point – six months – when complementary foods were introduced. Complementary feeding is the process of giving a child other liquid food in addition to breast milk. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), after exclusively breastfeeding an infant for six months, if complementary food is not introduced or if they are given inappropriately, an infant’s growth may falter. Ifeyinwa Omesiete, a paediatric nutritionist, said some local food can provide the needed nutritional values for infants. “There is also a lot of misinformation that Nigerian local food is not good for children. We need to change the mindset of that conversation and state that Nigerian foods are actually healthy. They are full of vitamins and minerals,” she said. Ifeyinwa said there are also local brands that provide baby food for Nigerian children. “In fact, if you look at larger food production companies, a lot of them have begun to diversify their efforts by providing similar products to what we import here in Nigeria,” Ifeyinwa noted. Findings by TheCable showed that these indigenous firms have developed tailor-made food products for African children using locally-sourced products like millet, wheat, and potatoes. The baby food market has a promising future in Nigeria, with a higher adoption rate witnessed from 2018 to 2023,” according to Ken Research. It said the baby food is expected to grow remarkably, valuing over N200 billion by 2023. To get a sense of the Nigerian baby food companies — not multinationals — and how they are helping to bridge Nigeria’s malnutrition gap, TheCable spoke to two companies: Baby Grubz and Colourful Giggles. FOR FIRST INDIGENOUS BABY FOOD COMPANY, IT’S ALL ABOUT THE CHILDREN Baby Grubz, an indigenous baby food company that prides itself as the first in Nigeria, was established in 2013. The company, which also donates its products to LFB, is a Lagos-based social enterprise. Seun Sangoleye, chief executive officer of Baby Grubz, had also struggled with getting it right during her child’s complementary feeding stage. In her quest to gain insight into how to feed her son, she saw a gap that needed to be filled. That gap, she said, inspired her to establish the company. In 2012, when Seun was about to resume work after her 3-month maternity leave, she introduced other food items to her son. He rejected different formulas and refused expressed milk as well. She turned to family and friends and got conflicting responses about the proper feeding technique. “So, I went online. I could not find information that was in the Nigerian context. There was nothing. But I saw a lot of things from Baby Centre, Canada, UK, and the NHS. But anyways, some of the things that I found then were eye-opening,” she said.

Women sorting dates at Baby Grubz factory
Adepeju Jaiyeoba, founder of the company, who had also established Brown Button Foundation and Mother’s Delivery Kit, said democratising access to healthcare products as well as nutritional products is at the core of her business. “The whole thing that we are trying to do is reduce maternal and child mortality,” she said. “So, in 2018, when we reached about a million mothers and their babies at Mother’s Delivery Kit, we realised that some healthy babies that we celebrated on that day would not live to see their fifth birthday. They were going to die of malnutrition, and that was what triggered me to begin to look at the nutrition industry. “If you look at my trajectory – all the things I am involved in – I am focused on democratising access or things, whether it is health care systems, delivery kit products, or food. I believe that the location of a child at birth should not be a determinant in whether the child should be fed good food or not. “The future of our country is actually in what the children eat when they are under three years old and that is another reason why we are focusing on nutrition.” CHALLENGES ABOUND For LFB, access to finance is still a hurdle that would need to be scaled. “The major difficulty of an NGO is finance. It is a not-for-profit organisation, and so it is not like we are selling something to get profit back,” Grace said. “So most times, it is usually difficult for us to get organisations that believe in what we are doing and want to support us.” For Colorful Giggles, challenges include distribution, poor road network system and raw material sourcing. She also noted that managing the cost of production was another issue as passing the cost to customers means more money will be spent on children. For Baby Grubz, Seun said insecurity in the northern region of the country has impacted negatively on her business. “Although we still buy some things from the north, we are looking for alternatives. I don’t know about others, but for us, there is still a bit of struggle when it comes to supply chain which is a major strength for these sort of business,” she said. Regardless of these challenges, these organisations are making a difference and helping to preserve the future generation. free vector
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